travel & Stay
Prepare for a wedding celebration like no other with Josh and Chrissie in Zurich!
how to get there
Want to get to Switzerland from the US?
Get on a plane
Pretend you are James Bond and
Land somewhere beautiful like Switzerland
Then once well arrived in Zurich, transportation will be provided by Chaffeur Kerr:
Pre-Wedding Celebration:
To/From Hotel Storchen to Restaurant Sens
Wedding Celebration:
To/From Hotel Storchen to the Alex Lake Zurich.
We have tried to secure special rates and small room blocks at a few of selected hotels below.
Feel free to reach out to Josh & Chrissie for more details.
Hotel storchen
An elegant and historic hotel with amazing views of the Zurich old city.*
Address: Weinplatz 2, 8001 Zürich
*This is where Josh and Chrissie will stay
HOtel schweizerhof
Historic hotel convenient to main train station and Hotel Storchen
Address: Bahnhofplatz 7, 8001 Zürich
the dolder grand
Luxurious with wonderful pool and spa that is a majestic castle overlooking Zurich. Here is a photo of Josh and the poodles!
Address: Kurhausstrasse 65 8032 Zurich
Hotel Marktgasse
Amazing location in the Zurich old city that is great value for money.